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Painting by Jean Marie Boyko
Painting by Jean Marie Boyko

The Hillsdale Library presents the artwork of Jean Marie Boyko. The exhibit is located in the meeting room and is available for viewing through the end of June 2012.

Inspired by Nature, Jean Marie became interested in the architectural detail of flowers, their vibrant color and their moment in Time. The petals and leaves play within the confines of the painting’s edges… giving the viewer a peek into the serenity of the garden.  The scale of her work is reminiscent of childhood, of being among the flowers in the garden.  While struck by the over-scaled presence of these ‘floral portraits,’ the viewer becomes drawn into the fine detail of each flower’s anatomy.  A confident use of color is juxtaposed against the transparency of the flower, aglow with life.  In this new collection of oil paintings,  the flowers emerge as self-aware,  persuading the viewer to take part in their role in Time and in Nature.  These flowers own a delicate strength.

With a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree 1991 from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in New York City,  Jean Marie had the privilege of studying under the instruction of professors, artists and authors such as Patricia Colville, Jack Whitten, Ellen Lanyon, Robert Slutzky, Dore Ashton and Sue Ferguson Gussow.  Jean Marie has done extensive study of Old Master painting techniques under the instruction of Professor Gian Berto Vanni. Jean Marie has travelled through Italy and France with detailed notes in hand from her studies of Renaissance Art, High Renaissance Art and Baroque Art and Architecture with art historian and writer, the late Professor Dale Harris.

Jean Marie was awarded First Place in Oil Painting at The Bergen County 46th Annual Art Exhibit 2010.

