Read for a lifetime!

The Hillsdale Free Public Library supports parents as they help their children develop language and literacy skills.
We have thousands of board books and picture books to choose from.

The Friends of the Hillsdale Free Public Library offer the gift of a FREE canvas book bag to our youngest Hillsdale residents who were born within the previous two years. Your child’s name can be embroidered on the bag for FREE. A wide variety of thread colors are available. It is our desire that you borrow and read books to your children as often as time allows.

Additional bags for older siblings, family members (or for yourself!) may be purchased for $10.00 each



  • Research consistently reveals that early language and literacy skill development results in long term benefits to your child.
  • Children begin learning language by hearing sounds and spoken words.
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends talking, reading, and singing to babies and toddlers from day one.

The National Reading Panel advised that the more children are exposed to language, the sound of letters, and recognition of letters, the more quickly they will develop good reading skills necessary for independent reading later in life.

“Reading together 20 minutes every day teaches most school readiness skills.”



To further encourage you to read to your child, consider the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge! It sounds daunting, but one short picture book per night quickly becomes 365 stories a year. By the time your child is five years old, over 1,000 stories are told. Yes, you can definitely repeat titles!

Record every book that you read with your child. Use a simple notebook or download the app and scan the ISBN barcode of the book to automatically add a book to your list.

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