Update 4/18/2013


All donated canned goods will benefit the Helping Hand Food Pantry located at the Hillsdale United Methodist Church. The Helping Hand Food Pantry serves families within Hillsdale and surrounding communities.

We were able to construct the Library Symbol and “Hillsdale” with your donated cans. The collection is ringed by cans of baked beans with thoughts of Boston on our minds. Please consider donating food to the food pantry throughout the year.

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We constructed this image from your donated cans! Thank you.
We constructed this image from your donated cans! Thank you.




The Hillsdale Library seeks donated unexpired canned goods during the month of March.  Staff and volunteers will create a large sculpture with the cans to be displayed in the Library during National Library Week, April 14-20. All of the cans will then be donated to the Helping Hand Food Pantry at the Hillsdale United Methodist Church. The Helping Hand Food Pantry serves over 500 people in and around the community every month. All cans will be accepted, but the desired size is the standard 4 3/8” high variety.

This is a Think It, Make It, Share It activity and is sponsored by the Friends of the Library.cans2[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]