“My goal with a painting is to capture a feeling in time.” ~ Tackney – DiGrazia

Daniel Tackney – DiGrazia  is a Pascack Valley High School graduate (class of 2004), and received his BFA with a minor in Art History from William Patterson University (class of 2010). He began early on by drawing and building 3-Dimensional  artwork, then taking an interest in Tattoo artwork, Band Logos, Flyers and drawing portraits. He also became well versed in sculpture, although it wasn’t until his senior year of high school that Tackney – DiGrazia received formal art training. Attending a summer program at School of Visual Arts in New York City affirmed his passion for the arts. While in college Tackney – DiGrazia found a new passion – abstract art. It started with the introduction of painting into his repertoire, and he finds inspiration in “expressing his feelings coming from reality.”

A self-proclaimed Abstract Expressionist, Tackney – DiGrazia prefers art that expresses elements of design rather than replicating an image. He also enjoys using a multitude of techniques and materials in his art. Some of these include mixing pumice, sand, quart, glass, plaster and liquitex mediums into his paint. Further, he uses tools such as palate knives, spatulas, brushes, sticks, plastic pieces, cardboard, wood and paper towels to create an array of effects and dimensions to his art.  Tackney – DiGrazia believes that you cannot think and paint at the same time, so his artwork is a representation of his emotions and moods.

The public is invited to meet the artist at a reception on Tuesday, September 17 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

This exhibit runs through from September 1st to September 30th.

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