The Hillsdale Library awarded limited edition RED Hillsdale Library t-shirts to the winners of the “Where’s Eyescyk?” game.  As a test of resident’s knowledge of the borough, the public was invited to identify whereEyesyck was perched in Hillsdale. Photos were posted on the Library’s website and in the lobby on a weekly basis from September through March. Players accumulated points by submitting answers. All of the locations and photographs can be found at

Pictured: Neil Stewart, Barry and Mary Frances Schwartz, Jaimee Kohan, Kevin McKenna, Jerry DeCarlo, John Scordato, Kiera Tracy, Meghan Minogue, Justin Kohan, Hailie DeCarlo

Not pictured: Barbara Wertheim, Sean Wertheim, Laura Daniels, Julie Askins, Kathy Scordato, Henry Tipping, Fiona and Maura O’Flynn, Maureen Gibbs.