Wednesday, April 23 – 2:30 to 4:30 pm (ish)

Sure you could buy sidewalk chalk, but you could have more fun making your own blended color too. Today we will be using:

  • plaster of paris
  • water
  • acrylic paint
  • paper tubes
  • tape
  • wax paper
  1. Add tape to seal off the bottom of one tube
  2. cut wax paper and line the tube
  3. mix 1/2 cup of water and 4 tablespoons (or more) together
  4. add 1/2 cup plaster mix or more until thick, but still runny
  5. add concoction to tube and let sit for an hour
  6. unwrap the chalk when it has set up
  7. wait a day or two until thoroughly dried out!

While we were waiting we decorated the patio with the store bought stuff. Love the logo stencil?

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