Tuesday July 29 and Wednesday July 30. CIRCUITS!

On Tuesday evening we will be experimenting with paper circuits following the guide provided by the Tinkering Studio. Craft a paper object that utilizes LED lights. Could be a card, an origami creature with glowing eyes, or some invention of your own. You will be playing with:

  • paper
  • copper foil (sticky backed)
  • watch batteries (C2032)
  • and REALLY REALLY TINY LED lights!!!
  • Tools include scissors, x-acto knives, scotch tape

On Wednesday the teens will learn some basic soldering techniques to make LED badges. These were provided by Maker Camp are limited in supply. Show up early if you want one of these. Paper circuits will also be available to construct while you wait for the soldering iron.

  • character circuit board
  • battery
  • lead-free solder
  • leds