100 Books Before Kindergarten

Come take the challenge! We are kicking off Children’s Book Week 2015 with a challenge you can’t pass up! Begin reading 1000 books to your infant or toddler before they enter Kindergarten. It’s easy, fun, and a great way to interact and bond with your child. Register in the children’s room, keep track on a  paper log or better yet, download the free app for iPhone (Android coming soon) and keep track online. 


Have a favorite book? You may repeat it. The goal is simple: Read to your child and start them on the path to becoming a lifelong learner.

Once you begin the task, stop in, find new books, and for every increment of 100 books, receive a small reward.

Why You Should Read to Your Child

  1. Reading aloud to your child is the single most important factor in future success. 1
  2. “Children exposed to lots of books during their early childhood will have an easier time learning to read than those who are not.”
  3. Reading aloud to young children also builds motivation, curiosity, and memory. 2
  4. Your child’s ability to read at or above grade level by Third grade correlates highly with high school graduation rate and college enrollment. 3   So start them early! Read!

Any questions, please stop by the children’s room or contact Cindy at cindy.greenwald@hillsdale.bccls.org

Happy Reading!!

1 The importance of Reading to Your Child by Henry H. Berstein, D.O. Harvard Medical School http://www.planforyourhealth.com


3 Annie E. Casey Foundation. Reading on Grade Level in Third Grade: How is it Related to High School Graduation and College Enrollment .http://www.aecf.org/KnowledgeCenter/