This Hillsdale Library is again sponsoring a summer maker camp as an affiliate of the Google / Make Maker Camp program ( We’ve only recently been informed of the themes and possible projects, so we beg your forgiveness of this late announcement. Maker Camp is open to ages 8 and up. Parents / guardians are encouraged to participate.

Please send an email to to indicate you will be attending Maker Camp. This will aid us in calculating materials to purchase.

Maker Camp will run on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.

Week 1 – Tuesday, July 7 – The theme is fantasy and we will construct our own movable characters and create short stop-motion animated movies. Participants are invited to continue exploring stop-motion animation in our MakerSpace on the big iMac. This tool is available to the public for digital editing.