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Our Share Space in the main lobby is displaying accepted prints for the 2015 Ollie Fife Theme Exhibition, which will be on show through mid-August. The Ollie Fife Theme Exhibition is an annual activity of the Photojournalism Division of the Photographic Society of America, which is the worlds largest photographic organization.

“Courage in the Rough” by Carol McCreary of Oklahoma City, OK, was selected for the PSA Gold Medal, and “A Rose for the Winner” by Robert W. Ginn of Guadalupe, CA, was selected for the PSA Silver Medal. These images are not featured in our online gallery; we invite you to come down to the library and see them in person.

The late Ollie Fife, of whom the exhibition is named after, was a longtime member of the Photographic Society of America. He was a photojournalist for the United States Information Agency (USIA) from 1952 to 1976 and covered activities in the White House and the Washington D.C. area. For more information, please visit their website.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]