Marian LeConte, painter and sculptor, is hosting an exhibit of her artwork at the Hillsdale Library September 8th through the 30th. She will be showing 13 Oil Paintings and 4 Sculptures.

Meet the Artist on Saturday, September 19th, 2:30-4:30pm

This is the online gallery of the artists’ work, but we encourage you to come to the Library to view these unique works of art in person.

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Below is the artists’ press statement:

“I grew up in rural Illinois. My mother was a strong influence on me. She always provided me with art to look at and encouraged me to make art. She was an extremely visual person who loved color but had no formal art training. She finally took a class in design when she was in her 40’s and loved it and later in love she allowed herself to develop her artistic bent and express herself artistically.

In my teens we moved to Minneapolis. I first started to feel like I wanted to make art the center of my life when I was in high school. There, my art teacher, Mr. Socha, taught me to be aware of different aspects of art relating to ‘line, shape, texture, value and color’. Minneapolis also had fine art museums which really broadened my horizons.

After high school I majored in art at the University of Minnesota, where I had courses in Sculpture and Print-Making. I really wanted to do oil painting but it never fit in my schedule.

Moving to New York City when I got married at age 20, I spent some years keeping house and raising children. But I found a friend who was an artist who suggested I go to the Art Student’s League. I spent several glorious years there, taking clay sculpture, drawing, and oil painting. My main painting teacher was Joseph Hirsch. I had a number of teachers, each one contributing to my development.

Later I took some courses at the NY Feminist Art Institute, studying painting with Louise Fishman, and later being part of her critique group. I also studied visual diary making and became a founding member of a visual diary group which continued for years.

I was a member of the Ceres Gallery in New York and had three one-person shows there. I’m still connected to the gallery as an Artist Friend.

I attended the art colony at the Vermont Studio Center in an independent studio residency. At present I am studying wood sculpture with Eric Bunn at the American Woodcarving School in Wayne, NJ. I also attended weekly drawing sessions where I can work with the model at the Art Center of Northern NJ in New Milford and the Art Center at Old Church in Demarest.

For a period of about ten years I was exploring abstract work, but in recent years have left from abstract painting. My paintings are now figurative, and often narrative, more from my imagination than from something I’m looking at. I paint my story, my life experiences, and dreams.

It takes time to complete a painting, but the layers in time of any painting are all visible at once. The more you look at a painting, the more it will give back to you, although sometimes you need to provide your own translation.”
