Pizza and Pages


Friday, September 18
Lunch in the Media Center
7th and 8th grade George White students are invited to join Pizza and Pages, a monthly lunchtime book club.  During our first meeting we will be discussing how the club works, voting on which books to read, and talking about other great books we’ve read recently.  Pizza will be provided, but you can bring your own lunch.  Please email Laura Leonard or Ms. Belhumer to register.  

Cover to Cover

Thursday, September 24
Lunch in Room 203, Mrs. Slockett
PV students are invited to join Cover to Cover, a monthly lunchtime book club.  During our first meeting we will be discussing how the club works, voting on which books to read, and talking about other great books we’ve read recently.  Dessert is provided, but you must bring your own lunch.
Contact Laura Leonard with questions regarding teen programs.