New Teen Section NEW! IMPROVED! Uh…well shifted around at least

Been in the Teen Section recently?

You might have noticed that a few things were moved around (the feng shui needed some tweaking):

1. The Teen Non-fiction has migrated to the second floor. (It was lonely and wanted to hang out with the Adult Non-fiction)

2. The Graphic Novels and Manga moved against the back wall between the windows. (It’s better for the superheroes to be closer to exit points in case anyone needs rescuing)

3. The Audio Books are where the Manga used to be (If you are now wondering where the Manga used to be, it was around the back of the low shelving unit when you first enter the Teen Section. Speaking of…).

4. There is now a New Book Section. (As opposed to an Old Book Section…books that the library acquired in the last 12 months are now all in one place, ready and waiting when you first enter the Teen Section).

So come on in and take a look around!