This June, artist Lauren Donovan will be displaying her work in the Hillsdale Library’s Meeting room.

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Lauren Donovan is a graphic design student studying at Ramapo College of New Jersey. Art was initially considered a pastime for her, but seeing as how well she excelled, her parents encouraged her to strengthen her talents by taking concentrated art courses in high school and continue them in college. Ms. Donovan was a participant in the Studio Art AP the year of 2014. This exhibit consists of her older works; some pieces were included in her AP portfolio, as well as more recent paintings from her college career.

Ms. Donovan currently works at the Hillsdale Public Library as an assistant. In her spare time she reads, draws, and has recently gotten back into making bracelets out of embroidery string. She hopes you enjoy the artwork that has been presented for you to view! [/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]