first & then

Teen Book Recommendation #11: First & Then by Emma Mills

page count: 267

pub date: 10/13/2015

genre: realistic fiction

age group: teen

My Rating: 4 / 5 stars*

Why am I recommending this book?:  I have a weak spot for any book that tells me it, in any way, relates back to Jane Austen or any of her writings.  Sometimes that gets me in trouble (because some of those books are terrible).  Not the case with First & Then by Emma Mills!  This was a great quick read, and while it talked about Jane Austen a little, not knowing anything about the author or her works will not detract from this book!

Devon is entering her senior year of high school.  She has her college applications looming over her head, a cousin she’s never really been around living with her and her parents, a best friend she’s had a crush on for forever, and she is being forced to take gym with a bunch of freshmen.  If all of that wasn’t enough, enter Ezra – the star of the high school football team – who takes it upon himself to mentor Devon’s cousin.

This book had a little of everything – family ties, friendships, new love, and tackling the unknown future.  The cast of characters are great.  Devon is very relatable.  She likes life the way it is and isn’t look for any changes, although changes seem to find her.  Her cousin, Foster, is fantastic too.  Reading about their relationship is a highlight of the book.


*a note on my rating system:  I go by the rates I use on, which are as follows:

1 star = did not like it

2 stars = it was okay

3 stars = liked it

4 stars = really liked it

5 stars = it was amazing

Anything a 3 or above is worth reading, in my opinion.  I’ve read a lot of books that I have given 3 stars to, and I don’t regret any of them.