HobbitTeen Book Recommendation #12: The Hobbiby J.R.R. Tolkien

page count: 300

pub date: 09/21/1937

genre: high fantasy

age group: teen

My Rating: 5 / 5 stars*

Why am I recommending this book?:  There are fantasy books and then there are high fantasy books – books where the world that has been build and the characters that have been created are rich in detail and epic in imagination.  Middle Earth is one of those worlds, and Bilbo Baggins, Gollum, and Gandalf are just some of those characters.

Tolkien creates a world like no other…down to the very languages that the characters know (Tolkien was a linguist and the languages he created for his books can be learned/spoken).  The Lord of the Rings is a fantastic series (and well worth the read) but we are talking here today about The Hobbit for several reasons.

  1. The Hobbit is a short quick read (you could read it in less time than it would take to watch all three Hobbit movies)
  2. The Hobbit is a non-stop action packed adventure.
  3. The Hobbit proves that any person (Hobbit) can go on an adventure and find his or her inner hero.
  4. The Hobbit is a classic (and you should read more classics).


*a note on my rating system:  I go by the rates I use on goodreads.com, which are as follows:

1 star = did not like it

2 stars = it was okay

3 stars = liked it

4 stars = really liked it

5 stars = it was amazing

Anything a 3 or above is worth reading, in my opinion.  I’ve read a lot of books that I have given 3 stars to, and I don’t regret any of them.