what ifTeen Book Recommendation #14: What If? by Randall Munroe

page count: 303

pub date: Sept 2, 2014

genre: humorous nonfiction

age group: adult (you can certainly read it too!)

My Rating: 3 / 5 stars*

Why am I recommending this book?:  I am not a big nonfiction fan.  Some people love it and read nothing but…I personally think they are crazy.  That isn’t to say that I don’t enjoy a good nonfiction book from time to time.  What If? by Randall Munroe is a nonfiction book worth reading.

Have you ever wondered about some ridiculous things, and figured that no one else had the same questions?  Like, how fast can you hit a speed bump while driving and live?  Or what would happen if the moon went away?  If you’ve ever wondered anything out of the ordinary (and come on admit it, we all have) this is the book for you.

Munroe answers some truly odd questions in a totally scientific manner.  Some of his answers are actually downright frightening, but the awesome pictures that he draws to accompany them take the bite out of some of the worse answers.

This is technically an adult book, but that shouldn’t stop you from picking it up and reading it.  After all, it being a nonfiction book didn’t stop me!


*a note on my rating system:  I go by the rates I use on goodreads.com, which are as follows:

1 star = did not like it

2 stars = it was okay

3 stars = liked it

4 stars = really liked it

5 stars = it was amazing

Anything a 3 or above is worth reading, in my opinion.  I’ve read a lot of books that I have given 3 stars to, and I don’t regret any of them.