battle of the booksPizza to Pages will be occurring again this year during your lunch period!

We will be meeting once a month to discuss the book we have read for that meeting.  Join us on Friday, September 16th for our first meeting to help us determine which books we will be reading throughout the school year.

At the end of the school year George White will be hosting a Battle of the Books, where we will compete against other schools in the area to see who can remember the most about the books we have read.

In order to attend the first meeting, please fill out and return this form to either the main desk of the Hillsdale Library or to Ms. Belhumer in the George White media center.   Please listen for announcements on the George White morning show and you will also get reminders during homeroom.

Pizza and water will be provided for you during this lunch period through the support of the Friends of the Hillsdale Library and the GWFFA.

Looking forward to a great year ahead!

Questions?  Email me!