Wednesday, September 21 – 2:30 pm to 4:30 (ish)

The challenge is to create a car powered by the elastic quality of rubber bands. This is the first of our “circle in a square” series. You will learn how to find the center of any circle by using only a piece of paper and a pencil. This should come in handy when fixing your axle to the wheels!


  • cardboard
  • paper
  • compact discs
  • craft sticks
  • receipt paper cores
  • straws
  • paper cups
  • and more!

Tools and Connectors:

  • pencils & pens
  • x-acto knives and scissors
  • thumb tacks
  • hot glue!
  • Elmer’s glue
  • various tapes

MakerSpace Wednesdays are held in the meeting room. All ages are welcome, but young makers aged 8 and under require a parent or guardian to assist. No registration required, but we reserve the right to limit attendance within the room for safety reasons. Supplies may be limited.