amityTeen Book Recommendation #17: Amity by Micol Ostow

page count: 358

pub date: 2014

genre: horror

age group: teen

My Rating: 3 / 5 stars*

Why am I recommending this book?: It’s that time of year again where I go looking for a good horror book.  If you’re like me and Halloween makes you want to pick up a good that will scare you try out Amity.

You may or may not be familiar with the original book or any of the movies about this less than welcoming house, but either way you can read Amity.  Amity is separate from its predecessors, but still claims that it is inspired by a true-crime story; just as the original book did.  There is always an added layer of creepiness to any horror novel that says it is based on actual events!

The book follows two different narrators as they and their families move into Amity.  The narrators live in the house ten years apart from each other, but the house has a way of intertwining their lives – and not in a warm, fuzzy way.  When the place you call home has its own intentions, none of which are good, what do you do? Find out what happens to Connor and Gwen and if they survive their time living in Amity!  You may never look at your own home the same way again!

*a note on my rating system:  I go by the rates I use on, which are as follows:

1 star = did not like it

2 stars = it was okay

3 stars = liked it

4 stars = really liked it

5 stars = it was amazing

Anything a 3 or above is worth reading, in my opinion.  I’ve read a lot of books that I have given 3 stars to, and I don’t regret any of them.