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Meet the artist on Saturday, May 20, from 1:00 to 5:00 pm.

Janet Kroenke’s artist statement:

“This collection represents my journey through the art of Mosaics over the past 9 years. This interest began when I read the book, Mosaic Renaissance: Millefiori in Mosaics by Laurel Skye. As time went on I slowly acquired inspiration and skills from books and online tutorials. I was able to bring my years of commercial and fine art into play as I practiced this new medium.

My work incorporates irregular pieces of broken stained glass, old pieces of jewelry, broken plates, shards of pottery –all manner of bits and pieces that would otherwise be discarded. Some call this kind of work “Bits and Pieces Mosaics”. I also incorporate Murano Millefiori, a glass art form from the skilled glass workers of Murano, Italy. These are tiny pieces of glass created from glass rods filled with floral and geometric designs.

I also love to work on small animal skulls. These are cleaned and processed by professionals and none are in anyway endangered species. They are prepared for bio labs and crafts people. I find skulls to be the greatest example of nature’s architecture and it’s decoration and rebirth as a work of art is, for me, an affirmation of life itself.”

Janet has worked as a commercial artist, illustrator, and designer for over 40 years. Over the past 15 years, she has also worked as a digital imaging specialist. Mosaics represent her “latest exploration of ways to express creative ideas.”

Her work will be on display from May 1st through May 31st. Feel free to check out our display cases and stop by our meeting room for a better look!
