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Architecture, Infrastructures, Natural Features, Up Close or Wide Angles–What will you see in Hillsdale? 

The Hillsdale Library invites you to submit images for our photo wall this summer. Take a picture and send it to images@myhillsdalelibrary.org* with the subject line “PhotoWall.”

Participants will be entered into a raffle to win Library Swag and a $100 gift card! August 31st is the last day to enter.

*By submitting a photo, you agree to let the Library use the image on our website, our social media, and in any future communications from the Library. By submitting an image you also agree to obtain the permission of all individuals in that images. Please do not send photographs of people without their permission! Stick with friends and family. You may suggest your own word as your caption. Submit any photograph taken of an iconic location in Hillsdale and we will add it to our local history collection! Look for us on Instagram (@hillsdalelibrary) #SeeHillsdaleNJ #SeeingHillsdaleNJ #HillsdaleNJ


Here are the submissions we have received as of July 31st! There’s only a month left to submit something–Send us your photos for a chance to win a $100 gift card and some Sweet Library Swag!
