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Teen Summer Reading Party

Thursday – August 24, 2017

4:00pm to 6:00pm

It’s the end of the Teen Summer Reading Program, so it’s time to party! Join us this Thursday to celebrate the end the 2017 Summer Blockbusters Summer Reading.  We will be drawing the winners for the different raffles prizes, playing some games, and eating some snacks!  There will also be a gift for participating in the program, so make sure to stop by the library even if you cannot make it to the party!

If you haven’t already gotten all of your raffle tickets, make sure you do so!  The last day to get raffle tickets is Wednesday – August 23, 2017.  You can stop by the library to enter your tickets for the raffle prizes anytime this week, including bringing your tickets with you to the party.  The last chance to enter for the raffle prizes will be at the party on August 24th.

Question? email kathryn.ennist@hillsdale.bccls.org

                 Looking forward to seeing everyone!
