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Area kids are invited to free Bridge Lessons at the Hillsdale Library this Fall.

The Mini-Bridge  classes will be given on 4 Saturdays, from 1 pm to 3 pm. The dates are October 14th, 21st, 28th, and November 4th. These classes will teach a modified system to beginners – concentrating on the play of the hand, rather than on bidding conventions. Further free classes will be offered following this series, to those kids interested in continuing to learn more about the game.

This series is free and is sponsored by the North Jersey Bridge Association, an affiliate of the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL).

We invite kids in 4th to 12th grade to come and learn Bridge, a game of math, strategy, and memory. It is fun and challenging.

We have an active youth program in NJ and Rockland Counties, with regional tournaments available for kids who want to take Bridge to a competitive level. We have a team of professionals ready to help young people learn Bridge, and hopefully, fall in love with it as a lifetime hobby.

To sign up for the Mini-Bridge program at the Hillsdale Library, starting October 14th, or to learn more about bridge in our area, please contact Barbara Ganin at 201-446-4649 or b_ganin@yahoo.com. There is also a sign up sheet at the main desk in the Hillsdale Library.

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