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Teen Writing Contest

Submission Period: March 12, 2018 through May 1, 2018

Attention all teen writers, grades 7th – 12th, the Hillsdale Library is hosting a teen writing contest! Have a great idea for a short work of fiction?  Been writing poetry for years? Itching to tell the world about what makes you awesome? Submit your writing for a chance to win!

Teens can enter submissions for 1 of 2 age brackets: 7th – 9th grade & 10th – 12th grade.  There are five submission categories: Short Fiction, Poetry, Play/Script, Personal Essay/Memoir, & Short Non-fiction.  Teens can submit one entry per each category.

Submissions are open from March 12th through May 1st. Submissions should not exceed 15,000 words. Submissions in the Poetry category can consist of 1 – 5 poems. Submissions will be judged by a panel of Hillsdale Librarians. A winner will be chosen for each age group in each category (10 winners total). Winners will be announced at the end of May and winning submissions will be featured on our website.

To enter the contest fill out the below form and submit a pdf version of your entry to Kathryn via email: kathryn.ennist@hillsdale.bccls.org. Include your name, entry category, and age group in the body of your email submission.

Any questions? Email kathryn.ennist@hillsdale.bccls.org.


Age Group(required)
