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The Hillsdale Library Presents:

The 2018 Teen Summer Reading Program: 


Hillsdale Teens entering grades 7th – 12th join the 2018 Teen Summer Reading Program: Libraries Rock!

Come into the library starting on June 18th to sign up and receive a reading log and other prizes! 

Read books* throughout the summer.  For every 50 pages you read earn a raffle ticket.  Raffle tickets can be used to enter to win awesome prizes. Stop by the library any time with your filled out reading log to collect raffle tickets.

The End of the Summer Reading Party will be on Thursday, August 23rd from 4:00pm to 6:00pm.  There will be snacks, games, and we will be drawing the winners for our raffle prizes (it is not necessary to be at the party in order to win prizes).

The Teen Summer Reading Program is sponsored by the Friends of the Hillsdale Library

*Please note that magazines and websites (fanfiction) do not count toward the number of pages read.
