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Visit the exhibit space in the meeting room. Kelsey Brentnall is showing 24 paintings and drawings.

Meet the artist at a reception on Tuesday, August 14 – 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Kelsey Brentnall recently completed her Master’s degree in teaching at William Paterson University. In the fall, she will be teaching biology to ninth grade students at Glen Rock High School. Although she enjoys studying and teaching biology, she also has a passion for art. In her undergraduate career at Ramapo College, she majored in both biology and fine arts. Throughout college, she studied several different mediums including sculpture, oil paints, acrylics, charcoal, and pastels. However, her main areas of focus are in colored pencil drawing and oil painting. She began oil painting in middle school when she joined the Ridgewood Art Institute (RAI). She continues at RAI today, helping to teach an oil painting class for young adults. Now, she works on her artwork as an outlet for relaxation.

The exhibit will run until August 31, 2018.
