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Registration for the Fall Story Time sessions will begin on Tuesday, September 4, 2018.

This may be done in person or by phone. Sessions are as follows:

Tuesday 1:30 pm ages 3 ½ -5   

Wednesday 10:30 am ages 2 ½- 3 ½

 Toddler Time 2018

This program is for children 18 months to 2 ½ with a caregiver. Sessions will take place every Tuesday at 10:30 am for 30 minutes. Toddler Time will run for 6 weeks and is limited to Hillsdale library cardholders.

All programs will begin the week of September 25, 2018. For questions and further information on any of the programs please call the Children’s room at 201-358-5073, or email Cindy at cindy.greenwald@hillsdale.bccls.org.

