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“A Universe Of Stories”

2019 Summer Reading Program

Hillsdale Public Library

Sign-up at The Hillsdale Library for our jam-packed summer reading program. The program runs from June 19th through August 16th and is open to Hillsdale cardholders. Celebrate the power of reading!


Read 6 books and receive great prizes. This program is for ANY beginning reader through Grade 6. Read…Blast off… Expand Your Universe


Children who are 18 months and up who are non-readers may sign-up and have an adults read 12 books to them to receive great prizes. Share the love of reading with your child.

Other Fun-Filled Programs Include:

Saturday, June 22- 10:00-4:00 pm Cosmic Chalk By Number” with Dave. Cosmic Skyscape Help fill in our sidewalk chalk mural with your own geometric patterns. Stay within your assigned box. Use TWO colors. Use circles, squares, triangles, or simple lines. All are welcome.

Monday, July 8- 11:00 am “Magical Melodies” music program with Mr. Chris. All are welcome.

Tuesday, July 9- 2:00-4:00 pm Harmony of the Spheres” with Dave. Make Your Own Giant Bubble Wand. 

Tuesday, July 16-3:00-4:30 pm “Green Meadows Petting Zoo”. All are welcome.

Monday, July 29- 4:00-5:00 pm “Robot Art Workshop”. Registration required and is limited to 30 children. For grades 1-6. (Hillsdale cardholders only)

The Summer Reading Program and all Summer Crafts are sponsored by

The Friends of the Hillsdale Library
