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Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest

Game Stats: 

Console: Nintendo 3DS

Release Date: February 19, 2016

Rating: Teen 14+

Genre: RPG

My Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Why Am I Recommending this game?

Fire Emblem: Fates is unique because it is the first Fire Emblem game to let the player also be the protagonist of the story. After customizing your avatar, you begin your journey. The Fates series has a total of three games to play, meaning three different versions and three different purchases. This is the main reason I’m giving this game 3.5 stars–In order to play the complete game, have all the characters, and collect all the gemstones, you have to purchase it 3 separate times. DLC is a bit cheaper than a physical game card, but still. As someone who wants to finish the whole story and collect all the gems in the sword, I can’t and that sucks 🙁 

Aside from that major drawback, gameplay is fun and challenging! Similar to FE: Awakening, you build relationships with characters to level them up and unlock special skills/children. Different from Awakening, your character gets a castle hub that you can use to battle other players and gain XP. Your avatar can collect rations and supplies, rest in their personal cabin, and give offerings to spirits which will level up certain characters. The castle is personalized to your tastes and as you add more features, your castle grows stronger. 

There are so many fantastic characters in Conquest, Birthright, and the DLC Revelation that are exclusive to what path you decide to take in the beginning of the game. So if you want fantastic characters, challenging gameplay, but a limited gold supply, play Conquest. If you want decent characters, laid-back gameplay, and unlimited gold, play Birthright. If you would prefer a good balance between the two, try Revelation! Revelation is unfortunately not available on 3DS cartridge so that needs to be purchased through your 3DS. 

No matter which path you choose, Fire Emblem: Fates is a great game with tough decisions and challenges throughout. 
