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Saturdays, October 19, November 16, December 14 – 11:00

Join Michael Greene, official Solar System Ambassador for NASA, as he presents a three-part series on the past, present, and future of NASA. Perfect for all age ranges interested in learning about space.

  1. Saturday, October 19th, 11:00 – NASA: The First Decade 1958 – 1968. A review of NASA’s first 10 years, starting with the history of its predecessor agency (the NACA) in 1915, NASA’s creation in 1958, America’s competition with the Soviet Union, the piloted missions of the Mercury and Gemini programs, and concluding with the early Apollo missions (from the tragedy of Apollo 1 to the triumph of Apollo 8).
  2. Saturday, November 16, 11:00: – NASA: The Post-Apollo Era 1973 – 1980. Stories of SkyLab, the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, and the development of America’s new Space Shuttle. A brief recap of the later Apollo missions will be offered.
  3. Saturday, December 14, 11:00 – NASA: The Near Future 2019 – 2030. A description of the new, but still developing, “Project Artemis” (our next human lunar landing program), a preview of the Mars 2020 rover mission (including the first Mars helicopter), the James Webb Space Telescope (the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope), the Europa Clipper (an orbiter that will closely study Jupiter’s ocean moon, Europa), and the Titan Dragonfly (a newly announced drone mission that will analyze the atmosphere and surface of Saturn’s strange, but also earth-like moon, Titan).

Registration is required for this event.

Click here to register for 10/19.

Click here to register for 11/16.

Click here to register for 12/14.
