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Sunday, October 20 – 1:00 – 4:00

The newly formed Hillsdale Free Public Library Foundation presents an afternoon of free programs for your enjoyment. Come meet the Board members and let us know what future programs you wish to see at the library.

Jonathan Kruk – Master Storyteller

In the Children’s Room at 1:00 p.m.

Arrive early for SPOOKY (but not too) SCARY STORIES:

  • “The Happy Halloween Witch”
  • “The Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything”
  • “Rolly-Head”

Sugar Cookie Decorating

“Paint” your favorite Jack-o’-Lantern face with frosting and candies. Enjoy the decorating fun while you listen to…

The Baxter Quartet

In the Atchison Reading Room at 2:00 p.m.

Whether you want to hear jazz classics or enjoy a new twist on pop favorites, The Baxter Quartet will satisfy your musical fancy. This fun foursome will entertain with innovative jazz renditions of pop tunes by The Beatles, Bruce Springsteen, Britney Spears, and others, as well as standards and original compositions written by the band members.

These programs and many future programs are made possible through the gift of Gayle and Paul Gross.
