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Wednesday, February 26, March 25 – 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Redefining Retirement is designed to help Bergen County understand and benefit from the asset and valuable resource older adults are and will continue to be. By engaging this population locally in meaningful volunteer work, the Volunteer Center hopes to encourage and support retirees who want to age in place — in towns where they have lived for many years. Redefining Retirement works with interested nonprofits to identify their volunteer needs and connect them with retired volunteers who have the specific skills needed. There are two ways to get involved:

Redefining Retirement Matchmakers are trained volunteers who will make initial connections between the nonprofits and interested retirees.  Matchmakers hold “office hours” once a month, beginning January 29 from 10a.m.-12p.m. here in the library, where they meet with prospective volunteers and conduct interviews.

Redefining Retirement Volunteers are interviewed by the Matchmakers who recommend them to the appropriate nonprofits, based on coordinating individuals’ skills, experience, and interests with the nonprofits’ requirements. All final volunteer engagement decisions are made by the nonprofits.

Please click here to let us know you will be attending.
