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Stuck at home? So is Aiden!

Join us Tuesdays @ 2 p.m. (ET) for this weekly webcast serial of

Starting Tuesday, March 24!
There’s a lot going on these days, what with school closures, and social distancing, and toilet-paper conundrums. It’s heavy stuff. It’s worrisome stuff. And it’s stuff that we’re all experiencing right along with Aiden Tyler, the title character in author Rex Ogle’s (Free Lunch) new & original story, AIDEN TYLER, QUARAN-TEEN.
Rex is writing this creative new middle-grade offering in real-time, about our real-world predicament, and will be reading each week’s newest chapter aloud on this one-of-a-kind webcast “serial”!
Tune in every Tuesday at 2 p.m. ET to catch the latest in Aiden’s quaran-teen’ed story—and stick around after the reading for a weekly Q&A with Rex. This is the perfect virtual get-away for students and educators looking for a fun and relatable escape from their own quarantines! 
