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Sketch Comedy:

Laughs & Live Drawing with Narwhal and Jelly

May 7, 2020 at 3:00 PM

Ever wonder what it would be like to blow bubbles and then float in them up to space, or what you would find if you surfed down to the end of a rainbow? Take a swim with Narwhal and Jelly to find out!

Join us Thursday, May 7 at 3 p.m., as we dive into the deep-sea world of Narwhal and Jelly with author/illustrator Ben Clanton. Learn the story behind these underwater besties and listen to Ben read from his newest book Narwhal’s Otter Friend. Plus, watch as he sketches his famous characters live! 

Perfect for grades K-2 but everyone is welcome! 

Special Narwhal and Jelly Giveaway:

Live webcast attendees are eligible to enter to win a prize package from Ben Clanton!
