The Kids 4 Earth teamed up with Tracy Hanson, a local landscape designer specializing in native plants. The little patch of land that had been tended by the Kids 4 Earth has been transformed into a demonstration garden featuring native plants that require little maintenance. Stop by and take a peek before the winter arrives. Funding for the specimens was provided by the Hillsdale Free Public Library Foundation.

Helianthus divaricatus (woodland sunflower)

Helianthus divaricatus (woodland sunflower)

Chasmanthium latifolium (Northern Sea Oats)

Chasmanthium latifolium (Northern Sea Oats)

Carex appalachica
Carex appalachica

Carex appalachica (Appalachian Sedge). Fine textured, lush green grass with a free form. Low maintenance. Average to dry soil.

Lobelia siphilitica (Great Blue Lobelia)

Lobelia siphilitica (Great Blue Lobelia)

Aster cordifolius (blue wood aster)

Aster cordifolius (blue wood aster)

Senecio obovatus (Squaw weed)

Senecio obovatus (Squaw weed)