A creative crowd-sourced community art project at the Hillsdale Free Public Library. Suspense Novel runs from September 2021 through March 2022.

We need your paper tubes! Please drop off tubes at the library during regular business hours.

Using a bold marker, write a word along the length of the tube. Nouns, plural nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs in the past tense, articles, and conjunctions.

Volunteer to assemble the tubes into sentence sculptures. Register for the dates listed on the calendar. Dates will vary depending upon supplies. Recommended for anyone aged 12 and up.

The “novel”:

The bracelet quickly darkened and she stopped.
He told me sometimes that tale makes Samantha shiver heartily.
She ran quickly through Trepidation Alley panting loudly.
The happiness fleeting and exhausted.
He promised it was gold but it tarnished; liar!
Her mind twisted grimly with dark thoughts of revenge.
Brother Joe walked slowly behind.
A cozy cat ran circles by the black black beach.

School can be skipped for a day. Most important: pancakes!

Of course it was real spooky.
Mia drank too much water, luckily not coffee.
Blank space stared back.
Terrible deeds of malice showed up.

Something wasn’t exactly right today. Life needs one to look deeper.

Running from the evil characters makes charismatic changes to one’s mind. Samantha now realized that she needed a more secure living space.

When isn’t snow welcomed? When spring and summer are upon us. the animals roam when the sun is vibrant. The sidewalk heated up when under my worn out shoes. The same monotonous walk felt different recently. Something must have changed. The increased security didn’t seem real. The past represented something much more meaningful. There was something symbolic about it. It felt like a cliche novel. I felt more at home the further I was from my original mark.

I searched for a better place to live. However, my search was not producing the results I desperately desired. Then I stumbled upon a beautiful borough called Hillsdale.

Though in mortal danger, was still unaware! Time flew, with no clues of what was coming. Her location – compromised. Not just by one person, but the whole group. Today, she figured it all out. 

Samantha was strolling when she noticed him standing right under the lamppost. 

It wasn’t brother Joe.

It wasn’t the cat.

It wasn’t even the breakfast or missing gold.

It was a ferocious enemy. wait who now?