Take a peek into the exhibit cases to find a display of funky woodland creatures fashioned from found organic materials and Elmer’s glue. Library Director and “Chief of Fun,” Dave Franz shares these sculptures to inspire you to look more closely at the small things around you.

Think It, Make It, Share It. What do you have to share at the library? Contact Dave.

Materials: red spruce cones, ponderosa pine cones, pistachio shells, black-eyed peas, timothy grass seed heads, coffee beans, sassafras, slate, catalpa seed pods, lilac seed pods, white and red oak acorns, beech tree seed husks, norway maple samaras, ash samaras, twigs from norway maple / american hornbeam / cedar, white pine needles, red lentils, white rice, Elmer’s glue, some epoxy.

On display through October 31.