Visit the meeting room to view 36 oil paintings by local artist Gail G. Slockett. These works are for sale. Contact the artist to arrange purchase.

The exhibit runs through December 30, 2023.

An oil painting of a beach house atop a sandy dune under a threatening grey sky.

Artist Statement

I first picked up a paintbrush in 1972. I was at Carnegie Mellon University majoring in Theater Production and was assigned to a scene painting crew. I knew immediately that this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, that passion only lasted about 6 years. Although I did some theater work in the years that followed, my primary occupation in those days centered around my marriage, my children, and my home. It wasn’t until the 1990’s, when my children were in school, that I began taking art classes. I started with pencil drawings, moved on to charcoal and pastel, and then finally to oils. As soon as I picked up a brush, I was hooked all over again.

I find that what inspires me the most is not so much the subject as it is the drama that lies within. Whether it is a compelling story, an intriguing expression, or a beautiful play of light and shadow, I am always looking for that emotional response.

The other passion in my life is sailing. We have been sailing since 2005, mostly on the East Coast. Our port of call now is the beautiful Chesapeake Bay and I have just begun plein air painting from the boat. It is a dream come true to be able to combine my two favorite past times! ♦
Facebook & Instagram @ggslockett