The photography of Burton Hall will be on display in the meeting room through September 30.

Burton loves cars.

As a writer and photographer Burton savors all aspects of the automobile. They inspire him as a source of visual and personal fascination. He is drawn to the essence of the automobile as an expression of creativity, beauty, vitality, love and vulnerability. In his eyes automobiles in many ways mirror very human qualities.

Camera in hand he strives to capture the magnificence of Olympian cars celebrated at Gatsby-like affairs. He seeks to provide witness to the power of automobiles of all stripes to transform the commonplace into compelling moments worthy of expression as art. As chance discoveries he visually preserves weathered hulks cast aside in various states of decay along blue highways and back roads.

In exploring those less traveled paths, Burton stands alert for images that capture a moment possessing the power to remain forever fresh in the mind of the beholder. These photographs display moments that resonate in his Car Guy’s mind’s eye and heart.

scene featuring a gravel country road leading toward distant mountains.