You are invited to participate in “BoardUm” a crowd-sourced community suspended sculpture at the Hillsdale Free Public Library.

Either take a pre-cut corrugated cardboard piece home, decorate it, sign it, and return it…
or send a photo* of you! or your family or your pet to with the subject line: BoardUm.
*By submitting a photo you are giving the Hillsdale Free Public Library permission to use the photo for the purpose of this public sculpture project and any publicity associated with it. Please clearly identify yourself in the email as the owner of the photograph. Anonymous entries will not be accepted.
BoardUm: find your PIECE at the Library will be on exhibit through NJ Makers Day, March 22, 2025
Previous suspended sculptures at HFPL
90 LB Test Up In the Air (2013) Cereal Killer (2014) Suspense Novel (2022) Geared Up (2017)
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