Meeting Room
Download Hold Harmless Agreement (.pdf)
Download Request Form – For Profit Entities (.pdf)
The primary function of the meeting room is to provide a space for library sponsored programming. Community groups engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, charitable, or social activities may apply to use the meeting room. An application form and procedure for requesting the room is attached.
All applicants must download, print, and sign the Hold Harmless Agreement prior to the meeting date. Applicants seeking a waiver of the insurance certificate requirement must obtain that from the Library Director prior to the meeting date. Download Hold Harmless Agreement (.pdf) (policy change in effect March 14, 2016)
The meeting room may be used during normal library business hours. Groups may reserve the room for two meeting times in any one month.
Group size is limited to the legal occupancy of the room. 40 Persons.
All meetings and gatherings must be open to the public.
No admission fee may be charged for a program or event. Exceptions include fees that are used for the purchase of supplies used during a program, such as a craft workshop. Such fees shall not prevent a person from attending a program.
The library does not advocate or endorse the viewpoints expressed by meeting room users.
The consumption of alcoholic beverages and gambling is prohibited on library grounds.
Meetings must end 15 minutes prior to the library closing if scheduled to last into the last hour the library is open.
Applicants are responsible for room setup and for returning all chairs and tables to their original location. No undue burden shall be placed upon library staff for room clean up.
Failure to comply with room regulations as described in the application and this policy will result in the forfeiture of meeting room privileges for 6 months.
Consideration of Room Use by For-Profit entities
In the spirit of good will, business leaders in the community may wish to share their knowledge for educational purposes to establish or maintain their standing in the community. While it is recognized that additional business may result indirectly from conducting such a session, the meeting room shall not be used for the primary purpose of soliciting or conducting business. For-profit businesses will not be permitted to use the meeting room until they have applied for and received approval from the Board of Trustees. Approval of presentations will depend on the following criteria:
- The presenter or business will complete an application form and submit it to the Board of Trustees for approval.
- The primary purpose of the meeting should be educational or cultural in an area where the presenter can be deemed a subject matter expert.
- The presentation must be appropriate for the community serviced by the Hillsdale Library.
- No direct solicitation of business may be made by the presenter nor by any staff of the for-profit business at the meeting
- Presentations of an artistic nature will be permitted to sell items as an ancillary function of the presentation, (i.e.; artists selling paintings, authors selling books or performers selling CD’s.)
- Presenters and/or their staff may not solicit personal information from attendees, such as name, address or phone number either directly or through mandatory attendance sheets, sign-up sheets, business card collection, etc. Presenters may make business cards available and attendees are permitted to voluntarily provide information on their own.
- Advertisements for the meeting should explicitly state that the session is for educational/cultural purposes and that business will not be directly solicited at the meeting.
- Copies of these guidelines should be posted in a visible spot in the meeting room and a copy should be provided to all attendees at the meeting. Violations of any of the terms of this policy should be reported to the library staff immediately.
- The Library and the Board of Trustees are not responsible for the content of any presentation.
Download Request Form – For Profit Entities (.pdf)
Policy adopted by the Board of Trustees August 8, 2005.
Policy revised by the Board of Trustees September 10, 2007.
Policy revised by the Board of Trustees February 12, 2008.
Policy reviewed and revised by the Board of Trustees March 14, 2016.
The Board reserves the right to revise any of its policies at any time.
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