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Museum passes are provided by the Friends of the Hillsdale Library and allow Hillsdale Library cardholders to visit museums with free admission.

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Passes can be reserved up to 60 days in advance. Please call or visit the library to reserve a pass. 201-358-5072.

On the day of your reservation, visit the Hillsdale Library to pick up the pass. You must bring a $50.00 cash deposit. The deposit will be refunded when the pass is returned on time.

The pass is loaned for 3 days and must be returned one half hour prior to the Library’s closing on the day the pass is to be returned. Passes may not be returned in the book drop.

The program is for Hillsdale Library cardholders only. You must be at least 18 years of age to reserve and borrow a pass.

Please verify hours of museum operation prior to reserving your pass. Individual pass benefits may change from time to time. Please verify details with each museum prior to visiting.


Grounds for Sculpture

18 Fairgrounds Road

Hamilton, NJ  08619



Free admission for four people.       Children under the age of 5 may visit for free. Discounts for the gift shop and on site restaurants are not available with this pass.


Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum

700 West 46th Street

New York, NY  10036



Free admission for up to 6 people.

The pass is valid for admission at the Intrepid museum  and does not include member events, programs, simulators or museum store discounts. You must also present your library card when visiting.  The Shuttle Pavilion requires an additional fee.

The Intrepid pass will be discontinued June 30, 2018.
