Study Rooms

There are two rooms designated for use by individuals or groups on the upper level. The use of study rooms is regulated.

Registration – Users must register at the main circulation desk. Time may be reserved up to one week in advance. Failure to sign in within 10 minutes of the reserved time will result in the forfeiture of the reservation and the room will be open to other users. When a group uses a study room, the group as a whole is considered the user and may use the room for one hour. The group may not monopolize the room by signing in multiple times using individual names.

Time Limitations – Users are permitted up to one hour of use after signing in at the main desk. Provided that no one else is waiting to use the room, the room may be used beyond the one hour time limit to a maximum of three hours per day.

Library Priority – Library sponsored activities, including the adult Literacy Volunteers of America and test proxies for distance learning courses will take precedence over all other uses.

Penalty for Misuse of Library Facilities – Violations of general library conduct will result in the forfeiture of study room use for one month.

The white boards are for the exclusive use of the literacy volunteers.