Share It!
The library is a place for sharing stories, knowledge, skills, and imaginative expression. You are invited to share with your community. Please contact us if you are able to share a skill, craft, lecture, or presentation of interest to others.
Exhibit Spaces
Artists, photographers, sculptors, crafters & collectors are invited to share their talents with the community. The Library has hosted many exhibits in the meeting room and display cases.
Download the exhibit guidelines and application.
Recent Exhibits
- On Exhibit in April – A Three (Alternate) Generational Family of Painters
- On Exhibit in April – Works of Heart and Other Stories
- 5th Annual Access for All Art Show
Meeting Room
The meeting room is used by community organizations, local authors, special interest groups, and individuals.
Review the meeting room policy and make a reservation.
Collection Bin
The Library realizes its central importance as a gathering place for the community. The Library is a frequently requested as a drop-off location for the donation of food pantry items, sporting equipment, and other special community service projects. Collection bins are permitted to be located in the lobby area adjacent to the Children’s Room. Please make arrangements with the Library Director.
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