The TMS Toolshed is located on the third floor of the Hillsdale Free Public Library. A variety of low-tech to high-tech tools are available for use by the public. These tools are provided as a service to encourage patrons of all ages to expand their knowledge of tools, to foster creative expression, and to inspire the community at large.
Please call or visit the library to reserve time in the Toolshed. New users must arrange a training session prior to use.
- Full Spectrum Laser PS20 – laser cutter / engraver
- Prusa i3 MK3s+ – 3D printer
- Brother PE-770 – embroidery machine
- Singer Curvy – sewing machine
- Silhouette Cameo – paper/vinyl cutter
- Button maker
- Canon eColor+ poster printer
- many other small tools and measuring tools
The Think It, Make It, Share It program was started in 2011 as a six-month arc of creative programs and opportunities presented at the Hillsdale Free Public Library. The community was invited to share its creativity at a one-day exhibit called “Imagipalooza” on April 21, 2012.
In 2014, the Hillsdale Library was awarded a contract from the State Library and LibraryLinkNJ, the New Jersey Library Cooperative, in the amount of $3,750, the maximum award permitted. Hillsdale Library was one of the 10 libraries to receive funding out of a total of 38 applicants. With these funds and donations from the Friends of the Library, the Paskack Junior Women’s Club, and generous individual supporters, the Library expanded its weekly ad-hoc crafting programs and dedicated a permanent mini-maker space on the main floor.
In 2015, the Hillsdale Library participated in the first New Jersey Makers Day event as a founding member.
In 2021, the makerspace was relocated to a larger room on the third floor and recast as the Toolshed. The Hillsdale Free Public Library Foundation supported the purchase of the Full Spectrum Laser PS20 laser cutter/engraver and a Canon 24” poster/banner printer.
Safety is the primary concern regarding the use of library equipment. The Library reserves the right to refuse the use of equipment at any time for reasons of safety.
Procedures for each tool vary and can change. Library staff will establish procedures and post them to the website for reference.
The Library shall provide opportunities for training either by appointment or by classes. Users that demonstrate competency in the use of a particular tool will be issued a document that can be presented to staff when scheduling future use of the tool.
Users are not restricted by residency; however, the Library may give priority to Hillsdale residents. The Library may utilize registration forms for the purposes of scheduling tool use and tracking training. Some tools require special training for safety purposes. Users that violate any policies or procedures will forfeit future use of equipment.
Age limits may be placed on certain equipment. Staff and/or designated volunteers may request that a parent or guardian be present if users are under the age of 14.
The Library may charge fees for the materials it provides. Examples include PLA filament, iron-on vinyl transfer film, plywood, fabric backing, etc. Fees will be posted on the website. Users using their own materials must have those materials approved by a designated staff or volunteer.
The Library cannot guarantee the success of any project. Failed prints, cuts, or other fabrication resulting in loss of materials may still incur a material fee. The Library will not reimburse users for loss of their own materials due to a failed project.
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the making of copies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. The person using Library equipment is liable for any infringement.
The Library may request that objects created with Library equipment be photographed for promotional purposes. Sharing is a principle encouraged by the Library. #HillsdaleLibraryNJ
Projects must be completed during regular public service hours. If staff determine that a proposed project plan cannot be finished within the scheduled timeframe the request may be rescheduled.
The equipment of the Hillsdale Free Public Library may not be used to fabricate any items, in part, or in whole, that are:
- prohibited by local, state or federal law.
- used as weapons.
- unsafe, harmful, dangerous or pose a threat to the well-being of others.
- obscene, offensive, threatening or otherwise inappropriate for the public library environment, at the discretion of the Library. Written appeals may be directed to the Library Board.
- in violation of another’s intellectual property rights.
Laser Cutter/Engraver Policy
The Full Spectrum Laser PS20 laser cutter/engraver is available for public use.
Users must receive training from a qualified staff member prior to scheduling time for projects.
A qualified staff member or volunteer assistant must be present to assist and supervise.
Only pre-approved materials may be used. PVC, vinyl, or any material containing chlorine is PROHIBITED. Materials of unknown composition are PROHIBITED. Pre-approved materials include paper, clean corrugated cardboard, untreated wood, raw leather, acrylic, glass, stone, tile and blue painter’s tape. Discuss other materials with designated staff.
Matching the appropriate speed and power of the laser with the material may require some experimentation and failure. Suggested settings are offered as a guide, but there are no guarantees.
Policy considerations and language of other public libraries
The Hillsdale Free Public Library reviewed the policies of the following libraries: Gloucester County Library System (NJ), Piscataway Public Library (NJ), Elmhurst Public Library (IL), Harris County Public Library (TX)
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